Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay conference paper receives an award !

The concepts of Sustainable Development (SD) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) have been around for a few decades, but they have not been known to include Spirituality or spiritual factors in their purview. In short, both these concepts refer to a business looking out to preserve or enhance social and environmental aspects along with economic development. So, when we heard […]

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So who did create the Marree Man artwork ?

Twenty years ago, in June 1998, a helicopter pilot flying over central Australia spotted the outline of a giant man drawn into the earth. The drawing is still visible, and its size is enormous measuring 4.2 kilometres tall, with the outline measuring some 28 kilometres in length. At the time of the discovery, the outline was 30 centimetres (12 inches) […]

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Legalisation of marijuana – Is this the start of a trend?

There have been some major changes sweeping through the United States lately, and one of them is legalisation of marijuana. The states of Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada and California voted to legalise recreational use of marijuana and Montana, North Dakota, Arkansas and Florida voted to legalise medical marijuana this month. Major media organizations are saying that this may be the start […]

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Negative effects of horror movies

Negative effects of horror movies on society through their widespread growth Recently, multiple people watching the screening of a horror film called “Raw” at the Toronto International Film festival felt very ill and even lost consciousness during the screening due to very visually gruesome scenes depicting cannibalism, lacerations and various other gory scenes. Despite this negative impact, the movie has received […]

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