Spreading the word

We recently got in touch with a nice blog from the Netherlands called Snoedel. (Snoedel, pronounced ‘Snoodle’, we learnt, is a Dutch word meaning snuggle.)

It was good to see that our content resonates with others. One reader there wrote: “Wonderful web site! It will help many people!  The short excerpt featured here will also bring people to your site as well to read more. We are in the most exciting of times!”

A few days earlier, John from Beyond Religion wrote back in response to a letter from us: “Your site is amazing. I have never seen anything like it before. You are doing significant and groundbreaking work. I’m sure our readers would benefit from what you are doing.”

Caroleen and John, we couldn’t agree more!

Some of our members work tirelessly to share the knowledge published by SSRF with others. If you would like to give us a hand and link into SSRF content from other places, or have suggestions where we could do so, please get in touch with us by leaving a comment.

Read more:

The new homepage



  • I really appreciate this….!!!

  • wonderful, almost all aspects of life touched & linked to spiritually with utmost understanding. I, as a follower of spiritualism, gathering tit-bits of knowledge here & there, benefited a lot. I resolved to keep more to myself, so less sins will occur (through behaviour, speech, attitude, etc). Got inclined towards spiritual practice with greater urge. Thanks a lot

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