Spiritual treatment of addictions welcomed by treatment centre in Bolivia
On April 13th 2011, around twenty in-patients at the “San Juan de Dios” Rehabilitation and Mental Health Centre in La Paz, Bolivia listened very attentively to SSRF’s lecture about the spiritual causes and treatment of addictions. Many of them nodded in agreement while hearing about unsatisfied desires of our ancestors being a frequent cause of addictions, and later participated by asking practical questions.
The lecture was made possible by Dr. Ricardo Ramos Pantoja, Director of the Department for Addictions at the “San Juan de Dios” centre in La Paz. A psychiatrist by profession, Dr. Ramos takes an active interest in alternative healing therapies and when he came across SSRF’s spiritual research on addictions, he immediately invited us to deliver a lecture for his patients. “I liked hearing about the benefits that others in Bolivia had gained from practicing Spirituality”, he told us. He then added: “When I learnt that SSRF lectures are being delivered in La Paz too, I felt it was the right opportunity for my patients to hear a different, spiritual perspective about their addiction”.
The presentation introduced attendees to possession by lower level ghosts and ancestors being the actual root cause of most addictions. It also described the 3-step spiritual healing treatment advised by SSRF consisting of 2 spiritual healing chants and the salt water remedy. The salt water treatment was demonstrated with a bucket and rock salt. The prayers and healing chants were spelt out, and the most beneficial posture for prayer was also shown to everyone. Some of the attendees nodded their heads as they heard about unsatisfied desires of ancestors being a frequent cause of addiction. Spiritual treatment using salt was also familiar to some of them, as one of the participants commented that his grandmother would use a similar remedy.
The attendees were most appreciative when they learnt that the healing treatment advised by SSRF can be done on one’s own without the help of a spiritual healer. They seemed to like the fact that they would not have to depend on anyone and that they would not incur extra costs for treatment.
The participants asked many questions after the lecture and some even spoke of previously experiencing the presence of ghosts or subtle bodies. Listening to these revelations by fellow patients gave everyone additional conviction about the spiritual research findings presented to them. When chanting the Name of God as per the religion of birth was recommended in addition to the 3-step treatment, this otherwise Bible-oriented group felt even more encouraged to start chanting.
The lecture definitely created buzz amongst those staying at the centre. Some enthusiastically helped clear up the space afterwards and hand out copies of the lecture summary and 3-step treatment. Dr. Ramos later told us: “Everyone is still talking about the lecture, and they are keen to have you back again”.
Related articles:
Spiritual research on addictions
Why 70% of psychiatrists themselves suffer from mental illness
What are ghosts?
What are ancestral problems?
How ghosts tried to stop society from access to knowledge about ancestral problems

This is a very nice information really i like this blog this is a very help ful thanks for sharing it.
whwere is a spiritual reseach center and ashram that assists people who have addictions & mentalhealth problem in the united states/america? please advice. thanks also for water and salt info..
Dear Lioness,
Welcome to SSRF.
SSRF does not do, nor advice spiritual healing or treatment on others. Instead we suggest regular spiritual practice and self healing remedies as the most safe and the only permanent solution.
You can see some inspiring suggestions on how to start spiritual practice in our article.
For more details and suggestions that can be helpful, please write to us via login facility on our website, seekers will gladly respond.
Warm regards,