Russia bans foul language from media and arts

Some time back we have published an article on Spiritual effects of speech. In this article we mentioned that most languages have some words that are considered inappropriate. These words are also known as swear words or foul speech and people often use them to express emotions such as anger, frustration or surprise, or to achieve a social outcome such as insult, harassment or humour. Recent studies of recorded conversations reveal that roughly 80–90 spoken words each day – 0.5% to 0.7% of all words – are swear words, with usage varying from between 0% to 3.4% (Ref: Jay T. (2009): The Utility and Ubiquity of Taboo Words)
Below we share a drawing based on subtle-knowledge obtained by Mrs Yoya Vallee who has an advanced sixth sense of vision about the subtle-effects of swearing.
We were grateful to see that Russian government has banned the use of swearing in media and arts.

A law has been signed in Russia on Monday, 5 May 2014, that will ban swearing in films, music and public performances.
Explicit books and CDs will have to be sold in sealed packages with a warning that reads “contains obscene language,” CNN reports.
The law will levy fines as high as $1,400 against organizations and $70 against individual offenders. Repeat offenders could face steeper fines and a 3-month suspension of business.
A panel of obscenity experts will define the finer points of the law, deciding which words could damage the Kremlin’s stated goal of “protecting and developing language culture.” – and CNN

We suggest to our readers to refrain from using foul language. We also encourage those of influence in media, arts and lawmaking to ban foul language in more countries around the world.

Read more:

Spiritual living
Spiritual effects of swearing and why to speak softly instead of loudly
Spiritual effects of television and movies



  • Very good news. Hopefully more countries will also learn from this.

  • While we might be able to legislate speech, regulating thought will prove to be impossible, and almost all the same harmful effects occur even when the negative emotions aren’t given voice. My preference would be for society to curb such speech through other means. For example, when artists who use such language are viewed as what they really are (extremists seeking attention) and their work doesn’t sell as a result, then they will change their language without government intervention. Simply passing a new law tends to force things underground and give them more power.

  • Dear Katherine, yes laws would have limited effect on inner thoughts. Still, if we try to curb actions, eventually thoughts can reduce too. By doing regular spiritual practice, eventually our sixth sense develops and we gain an inner understanding of what is spiritually harmful for us. This makes it easier to avoid swearing as we understand the importance from within.

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