What is the effect of having two eclipses on either side of Pitrupaksha – the fortnight of the ancestors?

What is the effect of having two eclipses on either side of Pitrupaksha - the fortnight of the ancestors?

1. Introduction to the nature of the eclipses and Pitrupaksha period 2024

In 2024, the Fortnight for Departed Ancestral Spirits, also known as Pitrupaksha, occurs from 17 September 2024 until 2 October 2024.

Coincidently, two eclipses will also take place at the beginning and end of this period: a Partial Lunar Eclipse in the early hours of 18 Sep 2024 (UTC) and an Annular Solar Eclipse on 02 October 2024 in the evening UTC.

The last time there was such an occurrence was in September 2006, 18 years ago.


2. What is the spiritual effect of having two eclipses on either side of the Fortnight for Departed Ancestral Spirits (Pitrupaksha)?

Let us look at both these events separately.

2.1 Effect of Fortnight for Departed Ancestral Spirits, also known as Pitrupaksha

Every year in the autumn (of the northern hemisphere), there is a fortnight when our departed ancestors come closer to the Earth or the physical plane. It is a cyclical event that occurs in the spiritual dimension. Due to a lack of spiritual practice, most ancestors get stuck in the afterlife and stagnate due to a lack of spiritual energy. As they continue to have their worldly desires and yet cannot do anything to help themselves, they continue to feel restless. During this period, they came towards the Earth plane to connect with their descendants.

The overall vibrations during this period are spiritually impure (Raja-Tama predominant).  This is because, during this period, the environment is filled with subtle pressure from the billions of subtle bodies of ancestors and the vibrations of their unfulfilled desires. Negative energies also attack the subtle bodies of ancestors by taking advantage of their spiritual weakness and unfulfilled desires.

Read more about – Fortnight for departed ancestral spirits and the Shraddha ritual.

2.2 Effect of an eclipse

Solar and lunar eclipses are celestial anomalies blocking the light from the Sun and the Moon. Spiritual research has shown that in the case of all eclipses, there is a rise in spiritual pollution (Raja-Tama) and a reduction in spiritual purity (the Sattva component). This has many detrimental side effects at a subtle (intangible) level that may not be immediately apparent on the physical plane.

Solar eclipses are more detrimental than lunar eclipses for humanity. Where the eclipse is visible, that part of the world is more affected by the eclipse. The residual negative spiritual effect of an eclipse can last for months. Successive eclipses within a short period will give the spiritually contaminated environment less chance to recover.

Read more about – The spiritual significance of Solar Eclipse and Lunar Eclipse and its effects.

2.3 Effect of Eclipses and the Fortnight for Departed Ancestral Spirits (Pitrupaksha) at the same time

The negative effects (as stated above) of both eclipses and Fortnight for Departed Ancestral Spirits (Pitrupaksha) only increase the magnitude of negativity in the environment. This increased negativity affects the Earth plane of existence and the plane of existence where departed ancestors reside, i.e., mainly in the Nether region (also known as Bhuvaloka). This exacerbates the effect of negative energies on our ancestors, who, in turn, increase their (departed ancestors’) impact on us.

Overall, during this period, the negativity compared to the average period of the Fortnight for Departed Ancestral Spirits (Pitrupaksha) will increase by 30%.

During this fortnight, we will see a full moon on the 17th/18th of September and a new moon (Amavasya) on 02 October 2024. The new moon vibrations are more related to ancestors. Having the effect of a solar eclipse and new moon simultaneously means that 02 October 2024 will have heightened levels of spiritual distress, especially concerning departed ancestors affecting humanity.

Possible problems/distress that may be experienced due to the combined effect (eclipse + Pitrupaksha) during this period include:

2.4 Possible distress on a physical level

  • Daytime drowsiness
  • Reduced sleep at night
  • Nightmares
  • Lack of appetite or excessive appetite
  • Headache
  • Impaired functioning
  • Increased accidents
  • Social unrest, riots
  • Natural disasters and calamities
  • War escalation

2.5 Possible distress on a psychological level

  • Irritability
  • Arguments and quarrels at home over petty reasons
  • Despair
  • Increased addictive behaviour
  • Suicidal thoughts

2.6 Possible distress on an intellectual level

  • Inability to suggest anything
  • Clouded thinking
  • Lack of understanding of the subject
  • Loss of memory
  • Lack of comprehension
  • Lack of confidence
  • Inability to make correct decisions due to the covering of disturbing black power on the mind.

Spiritual distress for people as our departed ancestors themselves will experience heightened levels of distress. There may also be an increased activity of negative energies. It is estimated that distress caused by departed ancestors to their descendants living on Earth will increase by 30%.


3. Measures to avoid the ill effects of the combination of eclipses and Pitrupaksha

Due to the increase in spiritual distress, which can increase physical and psychological distress, it is essential that we consider taking spiritual practice and spiritual healing measures. The following are some simple yet effective spiritual healing remedies to help you and your families during this period.

    Undertaking the Shraddha ritual during an eclipse is spiritually beneficial. However, please note that the Shraddha ritual recommended during an eclipse is very specific and differs from the usual Shraddha ritual (Mahalaya Shraddha). If undertaking the normal Shraddha ritual (Mahalaya Shraddha), then avoid the eclipse times.

Please click on the links above to learn more.



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